7/5/2024 | Friday PM | Bro Joseph Bellomo Sr | Come And Rejoice With Us - 4/8/1984 | Penn Harris | Opening Service | Bro Coleman |  |
7/6/2024 | Saturday AM | | The Lord Whom You Seek Shall Suddenly Come to Your Temple | Penn Harris | | Bro Jonathan Coleman |  |
7/6/2024 | Saturday PM | | The Headstone Of The Corner Descending In Power | Penn Harris | | Bro Bellomo Sr |  |
7/7/2024 | Sunday AM | | Another Ephesians Made Manifest at the Jubilee of the Bride's 7th Seal | Penn Harris | | Bro Caleb Anudu |  |
7/7/2024 | Sunday PM | Bro Joseph Bellomo Sr | If Ye Abide in Me, and My Words Abide in You, Ask What Ye Will | Penn Harris | | Bro Jonathan Coleman |  |
7/8/2024 | Monday AM | The Headstone Jubilee is on, This is the Lord's Doing - Bro Joseph Bellomo Sr | You Shall be like Him | Penn Harris | Young People Service | Bro Stephanus K. |  |